Monthly Archives: April 2016

My first Princess story for #NationalOatmealCookieDay


Do you see the book the little girl is reading?

“The Princess and a Turtle named LuLu go to Paris.”

Quite a mouthful for a little girl chewing oatmeal cookies.

I was in grade school and determined to write down the stories in my head and this was my first attempt. The pages have long been lost, scrawled by my young hand in Catholic school cursive writing, but the story line has always stayed with me.

My fictitious turtle LuLu helped me through hard times, moving a lot around the country and going to different schools, so I thought it only proper to celebrate my first princess story with National Oatmeal Cookie Day!



My latest Princess story:

I first met Princess Violetta in Sariah Wilson’s story, ROYAL DATE.

You can meet see what happened to her afterward in rehab in ROYAL DARE.

I fell in love with the Monterra family, especially Violetta. I call her the “misunderstood princess.” She has everything—looks, money and a title—yet she fell victim to the seductive power of drugs. Why? I wondered. What led her down this path?

I was intrigued tRD_KindleWorldso answer that question, but more importantly, I wanted to know what happened to Violetta when she went to rehab. How hard is it for a princess to get clean? And will she find her prince when she does?

I answer this question and more in my Kindle Worlds “The Royals of Monterra” story, ROYAL DARE.

I hope you enjoy it!






Man Candy: Zipper Day, oh yeah!



What goes up must go down…

Oh yeah.

His? Yours? Or both.

Nothing more needs to be said. Enjoy!

Enjoy National Zipper Day! And all the fun that comes with it…



Liberty Jordan, the heroine in my Civil War time travel romance , doesn’t have to worry about zippers back in 1862.

Corsets were a whole other matter:

First, she had to pass as a Southern lady.

“We’ll have lots of time to dress you up proper-like when we get to Rosebriar,” Bedelia said, fluffing out the bishop sleeves on Liberty’s bodice. “Seeing how you’re taking Miss Pauletta’s place—”

Liberty spun around, taffeta rustling in her ears, her senses alert to more than the girl’s idle chat. “What do you mean, I’m taking Miss Pauletta’s place?” she demanded, but the girl pursed her lips together tighter than the lacings on her corset.

Bedelia dropped her chin, her big, brown eyes staring at the cell floor as she pushed the toe of her delicate slipper into the damp dirt. “Miss Pauletta says it’s a secret, and I don’t tell no secrets.”

Liberty felt a kick in the gut at this new revelation and wondered why she ever agreed to this insane idea. She might be better off taking her chances in here. Then she remembered the major, his brooding dark eyes watching her, his expression conveying a curious amusement. She mulled that over, and an unexpected passion to know more about him made her body hum. She’d never have the chance if she didn’t escape from this place.

Really? He’s not for you. He thinks of you as nothing more than a Confederate physician. Even if he did know you’re woman, he’d think you an oddity. A female with a brain.

With a reluctant sigh, Liberty gave up her daydream and went about the task of turning herself into a lady. She fastened the hooks and eyes running up the front of the bodice, noting the rows of buttons were merely decorative. It was a perfect fit. Even the fancy jacket with the velvet piping worked in her favor. By the lingering scent of a soft perfume, she had the feeling this was the jacket the belle wore this morning. They were similar in size, though Liberty was taller. A slight dizziness made her lightheaded since the corset was so tight she could barely breathe. Worse yet, the pointy feminine-looking boots Bedelia handed her didn’t fit. Her feet hurt too much to wear them. Instead, she had no choice but to keep on her comfortable hiking boots.

“Miss Pauletta ain’t gonna like you wearing men’s shoes,” Bedelia said, rolling her eyes.

“They’re my feet, not hers,” Liberty insisted, stepping into the hoop skirt. Six-boned and nearly twelve feet in circumference. A big ruffle circled the bottom. “Good grief,” she mumbled out loud. “How am I supposed to escape in a hoop skirt?”

A smile crept over Bedelia’s lips. “Miss Pauletta said you’d know how.”

Liberty looked with skepticism at the girl, praying she was right. She was no born flirt, but she saw how Pauletta Sue wound every man around her finger. She doubted there was anyone better.

You look like her. So now act like her.”

If you love Civil War romance and time travel and TWO hunky military heroes, check out my Kindle Scout winner below.

Love_Me_Forever_500x798LOVE ME FOREVER

She wore gray.
He wore blue.
But their love defied the boundaries of war.
And time.

LOVE ME FOREVER is a Kindle Scout winner and is now available from Kindle Press at


Hot Java for You on #GreatPoetryReadingDay


Ever since I twirled my first Irish limerick off my tongue as a young lass, I’ve loved to write poems. Funny, sexy, heartwarming, you name it.

So on Great Poetry Reading Day, here’s HOT JAVA.

My ode to coffee.

And how awesome it is the morning after a great night with HIM. The man in your life.

And no, I don’t profess it to be great poetry. But I hope it will put a smile on your face.



Java is a girl’s best friend
When you don’t want that special night to end

“Stick around for a cup of Joe,” you say
After a night in bed that blew you away

Then watch his eyes glow with desire
When you put on the coffee and light his fire

Wearing a sexy black teddy, tight and see-through
You ask, “Eggs or cinnamon buns with your brew?”

“I’ll have the buns,” he says, eyeing yours with a smile
You shiver with glee. The coffee can wait for awhile

It’s back to bed with your man for round two
And to coffee you say, a big “Thank you!”



Guess what they used for coffee in 1862?

During the Civil War, it wasn’t easy to get supplies, as we see here in LOVE ME FOREVER when my time traveling heroine, Liberty Jordan, finds herself on a Virginia plantation–taking the place of a woman who happens to be her twin…and a Confederate spy:

Liberty  finished her tea, wishing it were coffee, but there were major shortages of salt and coffee. She wasn’t fond of the parched okra seed that replaced coffee, and she had no desire to try the grits-and-rye blend used as a java substitute. The price of salt was high and she’d heard stories of Southern cooks brushing grains of salt off salted pork to reuse it.”

If you love Civil War romance and time travel and TWO hunky military heroes, check out my Kindle Scout winner below.

Love_Me_Forever_500x798LOVE ME FOREVER

She wore gray.
He wore blue.
But their love defied the boundaries of war.
And time.

LOVE ME FOREVER is a Kindle Scout winner and is now available from Kindle Press at


The Day I became a Southern Belle on “Tell a Story Day”

Tell_Me_Story_Day_Fan_closeupIt’s Tell a Story Day so here’s a story about how a scene in my Kindle Scout winner, “Love Me Forever,” was born when I was a little girl…

Who doesn’t love to go to a ball? I remember when I was 11 years old and I had the chance to go to a fancy dress ball in Lexington KY at a big mansion (my mother was invited and brought me with her). I had to sit in the corner and just watch, but I’ll never forget the pretty dresses the girls wore.

Big skirts and lace and crinolines.

And the handsome young men. When a young man asked me to dance, I almost died. My mom said it was okay. The young man took my hand and we glided across the hardwood floor, my chin up, my feet barely touching the ground.

It was then I knew I wanted to be a Southern belle. My character, Pauletta Sue, was born that night. Course I didn’t know it at the time…but my mom did. She was all smiles.

My secondary heroine in my Civil War time travel romance, Love Me Forever, is a Tennessee Belle who met the love of her life at a Confederate ball — then lost him so she became a Rebel spy…


Love Me Forever (Kindle Scout Winner)

A Tennessee belle’s fan tells the story of the gentlemen officers she danced with back in 1862 on Tell a Story Day…including a handsome Texas Ranger. Can you find his name on the belle’s fan?

I really enjoyed writing LOVE ME FOREVER, about two very different women, Liberty Jordan and Pauletta Sue Buckingham, who are thrown together in a mad, crazy scheme of spying, lost love, and passionate desire for what they can’t have.

The men they love.

Do they get their men?Tennessee_dance_1862

Well, it is a romance, but it’s also a wild dramatic journey based on actual events in the Civil War. Liberty and Pauletta Sue will make you cheer, then cry, then hold your breath when it looks like all is lost…

Thanks for stopping by and check out LOVE ME FOREVER on Amazon and Kindle Scout!



LOVE ME FOREVER is available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited

Women Soldiers in the Civil War from “Love Me Forever” from Jina Bacarr on Vimeo.

Love Me Forever is now available in Print for $19.99

Southern Belle and Spy: Excerpt from LOVE ME FOREVER from Jina Bacarr on Vimeo.

Featured Image -- 2069If you love Civil War romance and time travel and TWO hunky military heroes, check out my Kindle Scout winner:


She wore gray.
He wore blue.
But their love defied the boundaries of war.
And time.



Philly, Row Houses & Pretzels, oh my! #NationalPretzelDay

When I was a kid in Philly, the good Sisters of Charity welcomed the Pretzel Man every day past the iron gate and into the school yard. Oh, the excitement from the little girls in their blue uniforms–including me. I couldn’t wait to bite into the yummy pretzel during lunch recess…thank you, Sisters!

I love Philly pretzels.

They’re long, chewy, and have just the right amount of salt. As you can tell, that fond memory has stayed with me. When I wanted to write about a heroine for my next story in Sariah Wilson’s Kindle Worlds series, The Royals of Monterra, I wanted to take a girl who lives in a row house in Philly.

A girl with a dream to fly on the silks in an aerial ballet, but something is holding her back.

Until she receives a royal command to perform in Monterra.

There she meets a handsome member of the Monterran family who isn’t what he seems…

I’m writing ROYAL MAGIC now…release date in July along with Sariah Wilson’s next novel, ROYAL GAMES. Keep you posted!



I first met Princess Violetta in Sariah Wilson’s story, ROYAL DATE.

You can meet see what happened to her afterward in rehab in ROYAL DARE.

I fell in love with the Monterra family, especially Violetta. I call her the “misunderstood princess.” She has everything—looks, money and a title—yet she fell victim to the seductive power of drugs. Why? I wondered. What led her down this path?

I was intrigued tRD_KindleWorldso answer that question, but more importantly, I wanted to know what happened to Violetta when she went to rehab. How hard is it for a princess to get clean? And will she find her prince when she does?

I answer this question and more in my Kindle Worlds “The Royals of Monterra” story, ROYAL DARE.

I hope you enjoy it!




A Princess wonders . . . what are you reading tonight? #WorldBookNight

world_book_night_LMFI always feel like a princess when I open up a book. It’s a special moment that makes my heart beat faster. . . giving me great joy that I’m about to enter a special place.Reading is magic.

You can go anywhere, be anyone…fall in love.

Like my heroine in Love Me Forever” — back to 1862 in my Civil War Romance.

Or get help if you’re suffering from addiction like Princess Violetta in “Royal Dare.”world_book_night_RD

Discover the magic of reading tonight on World Book Night.



My latest releases:

I first met Princess Violetta in Sariah Wilson’s story, ROYAL DATE.

You can meet see what happened to her afterward in rehab in ROYAL DARE.

I fell in love with the Monterra family, especially Violetta. I call her the “misunderstood princess.” She has everything—looks, money and a title—yet she fell victim to the seductive power of drugs. Why? I wondered. What led her down this path?

I was intrigued tRD_KindleWorldso answer that question, but more importantly, I wanted to know what happened to Violetta when she went to rehab. How hard is it for a princess to get clean? And will she find her prince when she does?

I answer this question and more in my Kindle Worlds “The Royals of Monterra” story, ROYAL DARE.

I hope you enjoy it!



ROYAL DARE It ain’t easy getting clean. Even for a princess.

I am so excited to part of Sariah Wilson’s The Royals of Monterra Kindle Worlds. If you read Sariah’s ROYAL DATE you’ll remember Princess Violetta and her down slide into drugs. When the book ends, she’s off to rehab. In ROYAL DARE, we find out what happened to Violetta.


Featured Image -- 2069If you love Civil War romance and time travel and TWO hunky military heroes, check out my Kindle Scout winner:


She wore gray.
He wore blue.
But their love defied the boundaries of war.
And time.


What if Romeo and Juliet had cell phones? #TalkLikeShakespeareDay

Jina Bacarr's photo.

I can’t let “Talk like Shakespeare Day” end without a tribute to Romeo and Juliet…a day for all romantics who love the joy of words!

Whither I should dare partake of words like the Bard on “Talk like Shakespeare Day” to regale you, but I shall attempt to drink the wine that maketh words of beauty flow from my lips . . .


I’ll just spit it out and say:

Happy Shakespeare Day!!

To celebrate, here is a fun graphic I put together with a 21st century twist.

Who knows what would have happened to the two lovers if they’d had cell phones?



My latest releases:

I first met Princess Violetta in Sariah Wilson’s story, ROYAL DATE.

You can meet see what happened to her afterward in rehab in ROYAL DARE.

I fell in love with the Monterra family, especially Violetta. I call her the “misunderstood princess.” She has everything—looks, money and a title—yet she fell victim to the seductive power of drugs. Why? I wondered. What led her down this path?

I was intrigued tRD_KindleWorldso answer that question, but more importantly, I wanted to know what happened to Violetta when she went to rehab. How hard is it for a princess to get clean? And will she find her prince when she does?

I answer this question and more in my Kindle Worlds “The Royals of Monterra” story, ROYAL DARE.

I hope you enjoy it!



ROYAL DARE It ain’t easy getting clean. Even for a princess.

I am so excited to part of Sariah Wilson’s The Royals of Monterra Kindle Worlds. If you read Sariah’s ROYAL DATE you’ll remember Princess Violetta and her down slide into drugs. When the book ends, she’s off to rehab. In ROYAL DARE, we find out what happened to Violetta.


Featured Image -- 2069If you love Civil War romance and time travel and TWO hunky military heroes, check out my Kindle Scout winner:


She wore gray.
He wore blue.
But their love defied the boundaries of war.
And time.