Category Archives: cream puff

Miss Cream Puff finds her man on National Cream Puff Day


There once was a girl named Cream Puff
Who truly loved to bake stuff

Up at six she’d rise
Cream puffs to devise

With eggs, sugar, and flour
She worked hard at this early hour

Adding golden rich cream and vanilla
And dreaming of a handsome fella

For she wanted to catch a man’s eye
Who would love her and make her sigh

Then one glorious day
A handsome stud came her way

Who couldn’t get enough
Of her yummy cream puffs

So he whisked her away to the Land of Butter
Where they were married and lived happily ever utter…


Want to be whisked away by a handsome stud?

Come_Fly_Me_Cover_Final_300x401 (2014_11_22 08_27_37 UTC)Come Fly with Me is about a bad boy billionaire who hooks up with a lonely good girl on New Year’s Eve at 30,000 feet in the air where…

Anything can happen.

Come Fly with Me — Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited