Category Archives: poetry

Catching up with my Vision Board 2019 and Making Dreams Come True

I’m honored that Joyce Schwarz invited me to part of her Vision Board book. Check out my Instagram video for more info and here’s a preview of her book:

and ————

Here’s my Instagram video for Make Your Dream Come True Day — check out the fun pix I added to the graphic. Love the one with me and the crystal ball.

Poetry at Work Day and the Frog who makes dreams come true

Poetry at Work Day:

The art of writing fairy tales is a joy I claim.

But frog or toad, what’s in a name?

’Tis a prince I seek at the end of my tale

And that happily ever after, but to no avail

Ah, but yes have I the power of the pen So with my snappy keystrokes

Poof! I say. He’s here. Amen!

Who’s that cute little frog sitting on my typewriter? Could he be a prince?

(check out the prince in my next video below)


I Love to Write Day and why I’m late posting . . .

Liberty Jordan travels back as a re-enactor to 1862 Antietem and falls in love with a Union Army doctor and finds her twin

I love to write day.

Wow, I’ve been working on a proposal to submit to an Open Call and I got so involved, I forgot it’s I Love to Write Day! My story is a sexy fairy tale time travel and oh, what fun!

So here’s to everyone who loves the written word . . .

I’m excited to announce that my Civil War time travel romance

LOVE ME FOREVER is on SALE for 99 cents this month of November!


Once upon a time a little girl moved from kingdom to kingdom.
She had no time to make friends So she made up stories.
The fairy tale characters became her friends.
That little girl was me.

National Day on Writing . . . Why I Write

Me and my fairy tale friends

National Day on Writing . . . Why I Write

Once upon a time a little girl moved from kingdom to kingdom.
She had no time to make friends So she made up stories.
The fairy tale characters became her friends.
That little girl was me.

I write to make people smile and feel the touch of friendship.

And I’m Irish.

My computer woes and me on #WorldPoetryDay

Once upon a computer . . .


There once was a lass who wrote day and night

Stories of love and romance and flight


Of runaway brides looking for a man so fine

And lonely princesses with Rapunzel hair divine


Then one day the lass lost her stories so fair

And oh she was filled with such despair


For her computer choked and rattled and froze like ice

No more stories could she write on this old device


So she fretted and pined and sent it away

To a place not far to fix it straightaway


Then she sat and waited and oh how she prayed

That someday soon her computer would be saved


When alas she brought it home and turned it on

She discovered her stories still lived on


Now she’s back at work writing stories so fine

And grateful she is to write this rhyme!!


Yep, the lass is me and it was a maddening time with not one, but two computers that went crazy on me. A while coming back, but I’m getting there!

Happy World Poetry Day!


Royal Noel: a fairy tale romance with a twist from Jina Bacarr on Vimeo.

What if Little Riding Hood had other plans than going to Grandma’s house . . . like a castle with a handsome duke?

ROYAL NOEL is a sweet romance fairy tale with a heroine with a past . . . she’s an international jewel thief called The Princess.

Had so much fun writing this with Gennie and her duke . . . and there’s a royal baby, too!

This is Book 4 in my Twisted Tiaras series featuring the Risconti Family in Sariah Wilson‘s Royals of Monterra KW series.

Royal Noel on Kindle and now Kindle Unlimited!


My princesses with a past in my Twister Tiaras series for the Royals of Monterra Kindle Worlds stories:

The Royals of Monterra — 4 books! from Jina Bacarr on Vimeo.

Book 1: Royal Dare It ain’t easy getting clean…even for a princess.


Book 2: Royal Bride Can a sexy prince give a girl a second chance at love?



Book 3: Royal Kiss Even a goody two shoes princess can get lost down the rabbit hole.





Fairy Tales & Magic:


Royal Magic The magic is in his kiss…

A Philly girl falls in love with a royal magician.