Monthly Archives: March 2015

Time Travel–what happens when you go back in time? “Love Me Forever”: Day 3


Love Me Forever on Kindle Scout

I’m very excited to announce that my Civil War Time Travel “LOVE ME FOREVER” is up on the Kindle Scout website for a month long campaign beginning Sunday, March 29, 2015.

For more info on the Kindle Scout Program CLICK HERE. This is where you, the reader, can choose which books are published. A super idea and fun for both readers and writers.

Now for some backstory about LOVE ME FOREVER:


I love time travel. Always what it would be like to be “in the moment” when you’re transported back through time. Like stepping through the looking glass…

Here’s an excerpt of that moment in LOVE ME FOREVER when my heroine, Liberty Jordan, travels back to the Civil War, September 1862…


Liberty closed her eyes and tried to make the pain stop by sheer willpower, but it was so vicious, so deep, it made her torment worse. Ripping her apart, pulling and twisting her body into awkward, painful positions. Tearing the flesh from her bones.

Before she could take another breath, a great wind blew in her face. Twirling her round and round like an out-of-control comet hurtling through deepest, blackest space. A tumult of dizziness made her sick to her stomach as she fought back the bitter taste of bile rising in her throat.

I’m going to be sick.

Then, when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore, an unbelievable cold grabbed her. So cold she swore her heart stopped.

Yes, stopped. And a blankness settled in her.

No pain. No feeling.

Her desire to run…so urgent and heated…gone.

This was maddening, but what could she do? She swore a long, dark shadow swelled around her, claiming her soul.

LOVE ME FOREVER on Kindle Scout — you can read the first 5,000 words HERE. You’ll meet both my heroines and both my heroes in the excerpt. If you nominate my story and it’s published by Kindle Scout, then you’ll receive a free copy! It’s a saga of love and romance and war of more than 500 pages. Believe me, I walked every road, fought every battle with my characters, even checked the railway lines to “get it right.” This is a book of the heart…any questions? Please ask!!

I’ll be back tomorrow with more about LOVE ME FOREVER and the Civil War…

Thank you for stopping by…………..

Civil War Re-enactor: wanna be a soldier or a lady? “Love Me Forever”: Day 2


Love Me Forever on Kindle Scout


I’m very excited to announce that my Civil War Time Travel “LOVE ME FOREVER” is up on the Kindle Scout website for a month long campaign beginning Sunday, March 29, 2015.

For more info on the Kindle Scout Program CLICK HERE. This is where you, the reader, can choose which books are published. A super idea and fun for both readers and writers.

Now for some backstory about LOVE ME FOREVER:







Civil War Re-enactors — wanna be a soldier or a lady?


Two Ladies Civil War Reenactors
© Larry Metayer |

Imagine it’s 1862 and your husband is off to fight and you want to be near him…or your ma is alone with a family to feed…no job available to you…men worked as schoolteachers and nurses had to be over thirty and plain.

But you’re pretty good with a rifle, in fact, you’re damned good.

So why not be a soldier?

More than 400 women (estimates range as high as 750) answered the call to arms during the War Between the States. They fought and died as soldiers…

I always wanted to explore what it was like for these women…but through the eyes of a modern day woman who travels back in time to the Battle of Antietam on September 17, 1862 dressed as a Confederate officer.

In the photo above, you see two modern day female re-enactors — one dressed as a soldier and one dressed in petticoats.
If you were going back in time to the Civil War, which would you rather be?

A soldier?

Or a lady?

LOVE ME FOREVER on Kindle Scout — you can read the first 5,000 words HERE. You’ll meet both my heroines and both my heroes in the excerpt. If you nominate my story and it’s published by Kindle Scout, then you’ll receive a free copy! It’s a saga of love and romance and war of more than 500 pages. Believe me, I walked every road, fought every battle with my characters, even walked around in a hoop skirt to “get it right.” This is a book of the heart…any questions? Please ask!!

I’ll be back tomorrow with more about LOVE ME FOREVER and the Civil War…

Thank you for stopping by…………..

Photo Description:
SMITH MOUNTAIN LAKE, VA – SEPT 7: two ladies Civil War re-enactors at the “Franklin County Civil War Days” on Sept 7, 2013 in Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia.
Photo taken on: September 07th, 2013


Hoop Skirt Hoopla: “Love Me Forever” Day 1


I’m very excited to announce that my Civil War Time Travel “LOVE ME FOREVER” is up on the Kindle Scout website for a month long campaign beginning today, Sunday, March 29, 2015. For more info on the Kindle Scout Program CLICK HERE. This is where you, the reader, can choose which books are published. A super idea and fun for both readers and writers.

Now for some backstory about LOVE ME FOREVER:


My favorite things are anything vintage.

Stuffed away in my closet I have a blue parasol trimmed with white lace, a pair of old lace-up, pointy boots.

And a hoop skirt.

As flighty and unpredictable as any belle from the Civil War.

But the reality of the role of women during the War Between the States is more than flirty belles twirling a pretty parasol. Women worked as nurses, volunteered as soldiers, risked their lives as spies. They were The Women of the Civil War: North and South.


Love Me Forever is on Kindle Scout

This is the 150th Anniversary of the end of the Civil War. I’ve always loved this era since I first saw Scarlett sitting on the front porch at Tara with the Tarleton Twins and pooh-poohing the idea of war coming. So I’ve just finished my own Civil War novel–a time travel about a female re-enactor dressed as a Confederate officer who travels back to the bloodiest day of the war: Antietam in 1862.

One thing the women of the North and South had in common was their love for the men fighting. They became nurses, took wounded into their homes, sewed blankets and uniforms, baked breads and jellies, and fought beside them. They did everything they could to help their cause.

Can you imagine living in a time when wearing a corset day and night was required? Women found themselves not only hampered by stays, but petticoats and those hoop skirts.  I got my hoop skirt from the costume department in a theater where I worked years ago…they were throwing it away!! No, I couldn’t have that. I was thrilled to take it off their hands. Since then, I’ve worn it under a Civil War era gown to commemorative events, book signings, and costume parties.

When I was writing my CW time travel, I put it on again. Just to get the feel of what it was like. how I would describe it.

It’s so important to walk the walk, talk the talk of the time. I’m fascinated with the women who fought as soldiers. Imagine trying to keep your identity secret among a bunch of rowdy troops. Not easy. According to reports, many women signed up to get a regular paycheck. How about being a nurse? You had to be over thirty and plain.

And what about being a spy? Sounds glamorous…but dangerous. Imagine hiding a letter written in cipher in your pantaloons.

If you like historical romance with two love stories set during a turbulent time in our country’s history, check out:

LOVE ME FOREVER on Kindle Scout — you can read the first 5,000 words HERE. You’ll meet both my heroines and both my heroes in the excerpt. If you nominate my story and it’s published by Kindle Scout, then you’ll receive a free copy! It’s a saga of love and romance and war of more than 500 pages. Believe me, I walked every road, fought every battle with my characters, even checked the railway lines to “get it right.” This is a book of the heart…any questions? Please ask!!

I’ll be back tomorrow with more info about LOVE ME FOREVER and the Civil War…

Thank you for stopping by…………..


My Civil War Time Travel Romance…and Kindle Scout


I’m very excited to announce that my Civil War Time Travel LOVE ME FOREVER will be up on the Kindle Scout website for a month long campaign beginning on Sunday, March 28, 2015. For more info on the Kindle Scout Program CLICK HERE. This is where you, the reader, can choose which books are published.

I’ll be posting more on Sunday about my story…backstory and fun facts…and the COVER.

And the link to my Kindle Scout preview…the first 5,000 words…my story is a family saga of North and South…two women from opposite sides and the men they love.

One of the women is a present day re-enactor who travels back to September 17, 1862 to Antietam, the bloodiest day of the Civil War…where she meets a handsome Union Army surgeon.

And she’s wearing a Confederate officer’s uniform.

She wore gray…

He wore blue…

But their love defied the boundaries of war.

And time.

Come back on Sunday, March 29th for the link and cover on launch day.

Thank you………………..



A Princess makes an Elephant Fly on St. Patrick’s Day

My favorite Irish lass is back for St. Patrick’s Day!!

The Princess and the Magic Shamrock from Jina Bacarr on Vimeo.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!
