Category Archives: mama

I Remember Mama and Apple Pie Day


Going over my Kindle Scout book LOVE ME FOREVER trying to make it as perfect as possible before submitting the Final m/s for copy edit…keep you updated on my progress.

Which made me think about my mom and her apple pie on Apple Pie Day. Like the little girl in the graphic, I helped her cut the dough and tried to make the perfect crisscross pastry across the pie. She was an elegant, sophisticated lady like the belle I write about in LOVE ME FOREVER I remember when I was eleven and she took me to a fancy tea in a big antebellum house in Lexington with all the posh ladies. No one defined Southern charm more than she did…

So when my pastry pieces flopped and cracked, she’d always tell me the story of the little turtle who could…who never gave up until she got where she wanted to go…and I’d get there if I just didn’t give up. (She inspired my turtle and the princess story--check out my bio on Kindle Scout for more info.)

So here I am, making my m/s as perfect as I can…and never giving up. Thanks, Mom.




She wore gray.
He wore blue.
But their love defied the boundaries of war.
And time.

LOVE ME FOREVER is on Kindle Scout — you can read the first 5,000 words HERE. You’ll meet both my heroines and both my heroes in the excerpt. It’s a saga of love and romance and war. Believe me, I walked every road, fought every battle with my characters, even walked around in a hoop skirt to “get it right.”

This is a book of the heart…any questions? Please ask!!

Thanks for stopping by.