Category Archives: Memorial Day

Memorial Day and the Civil War…where it all began



Did you know Memorial Day was first observed on May 5, 1868? Three years after the Civil War ended, a day was set aside to honor the fallen soldiers…a day in May when the flowers would blossom. The scent of roses and magnolias and morning glories filling the air…their proud stalks reaching up to the heavens to honor the men and women who paid the ultimate price…a moment of thanks for their sacrifice.

I’m so pleased my Civil War time travel romance  LOVE ME FOREVER has been selected for publication by Kindle Scout. I’ve tried hard to tell the story of one family during the War Between the States and how it affected a modern young woman who travels back in time…



She wore gray.
He wore blue.
But their love defied the boundaries of war.
And time.

LOVE ME FOREVER is on Kindle Scout — you can read the first 5,000 words HERE. You’ll meet both my heroines and both my heroes in the excerpt. It’s a saga of love and romance and war. Believe me, I walked every road, fought every battle with my characters, even walked around in a hoop skirt to “get it right.”

This is a book of the heart…any questions? Please ask!!

Thanks for stopping by.
