Monthly Archives: August 2016

Two Twins–a Time Traveler and a Civil War Spy celebrate “Women’s Equality Day”


Meet my battling twins: Two heroines in my Civil War time travel romance, LOVE ME FOREVER

A time traveler from the future.

A Southern belle and a spy.

An odd couple in every way. One a strawberry-blonde, the other raven-haired. One believes in the Union; the other will do anything for the cause. One in love with a man she can’t have…the other engaged to a man she doesn’t love.

But these two women do have one thing in common: believing in women’s equality. Here my time traveler, Liberty, questions her involvement with belle Pauletta Sue:

She couldn’t stop questioning how she got mixed up with this crazy secesh woman and her insane scheme. She’d never seen a woman so passionate about a cause, so truly believing what she was doing was patriotism. The war had unleashed a fire in her, and the more Liberty understood about the protected, delicate lifestyle these women led, the more she knew a great movement was underway that went beyond their cause.

It wasn’t until 1866 that the American Equal Rights Association was founded, but this was the beginning of the movement leading to women’s freedom and that she could understand. What bothered her was that Pauletta Sue was on the losing side of the war and because of that, she might not benefit from the changes women embraced afterward. She worked so hard at her cause, Liberty believed she deserved better, but the belle wouldn’t listen to her.


If you love Civil War romance and time travel and TWO hunky military heroes, find out in my Kindle Scout winner.

Love_Me_Forever_500x798LOVE ME FOREVER

She wore gray.
He wore blue.
But their love defied the boundaries of war.
And time.




Love Me on Forever on Sale for $1.99 for August 2016 from Jina Bacarr on Vimeo.

LOVE ME FOREVER is available from Kindle Press at and is on sale the month of August for $1.99!

Women Soldiers in the Civil War from “Love Me Forever” from Jina Bacarr on Vimeo.

Love is a Rollercoaster…but ain’t it grand!

Happy Rollercoaster Day! tomorrow on Tuesday August 16th! (this is what happens when I post before I have coffee…)


If you love Civil War romance and time travel and TWO hunky military heroes, check out my Kindle Scout winner below.

LOVE ME FOREVELove_Me_Forever_500x798R

She wore gray.
He wore blue.
But their love defied the boundaries of war.
And time.

LOVE ME FOREVER is on sale for $1.99 at

Love Me on Forever on Sale for $1.99 for August 2016 from Jina Bacarr on Vimeo.


Left-Handers Day…discover the magic with me!

left_hand_dayI’m left-handed.

It’s like living life looking through a mirror.

Everything is backward.

When I was a kid in ballet school, I got thrown out of the chorus because I always went right instead of left. I worked hard to get a solo gig so I wouldn’t run into anyone when I chasséd across the stage.

And I love Japan. They read from right to left and back to front (I was at the top of my Japanese language class since right to left is more natural to me).

Yes, it’s a pain, but I’ve learned to find the pot o’ gold in all this. Like a lot of left-handed people, I’m artistic. And I love to write. Create stories.

And therein lies the magic.

I walk through the looking glass every time I sit down to write and go off into a world only I can see. It can be funny, soulful, heart-wrenching, sad, but always romantic.

Like my latest story, ROYAL MAGIC.51f4OchWGWL._SX312_BO1,204,203,200_

A Philly girl falls in love with a royal magician, but the magic is in his kiss!

Find out how Afton copes in the fairy tale land of Monterra when she loses her sister Emma…and the gorgeous hunk who helps find her and shows her the real magic is the magic of the heart…

ROYAL MAGIC is available on Amazon Kindle.



She wore gray.
He wore blue.
But their love defied the boundaries of war.
And time.

LOVE ME FOREVER is on sale for the month of August for $1.99 

It’s a saga of love and romance, Civil War medicine and war. I walked every road, fought every battle with my characters, even walked around in a hoop skirt to “get it right.”

This is a book of the heart…any questions? Please ask!!

Love Me on Forever on Sale for $1.99 for August 2016 from Jina Bacarr on Vimeo.