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Boldwood Books 5th Birthday, Sisters of the Resistance edits, and me…

I had another Sleeping Beauty moment this week — I missed the Boldwood Books kickoff of my publisher’s 5th Birthday coming up! The spam box ate my email.
I just found the fab graphics in a different box (my email provider is changing servers) and I want to share it with you!

I’ve been with Boldwood since the beginning 5 years ago… and a grand journey it’s been. Going down the yellow brick road with Team Boldwood is the best you can ever have!!

Happy #BoldwoodBirthday!


Well, it’s really here. I’m finishing up edits for SISTERS OF THE RESISTANCE (sequel to SISTERS AT WAR) and it’s a wham bam finish even I didn’t see coming… thanks to my editor’s fabulous edits and notes. Thank you, Isobel!

Keep you posted…



The Beaufort Sisters are at war with the Nazis… and each other

‘A must read for anyone’

‘Hard hitting and heart breaking’

‘An absolutely gripping, powerful story’

Who are the Beaufort Sisters?

They’re beautiful

They’re smart

They’re dangerous

They’re at war with the Nazis… and each other.